In this review, 张蛋蛋 gives a detailed first impression of the newly released FOSTEX TH1000RP headphones. With its stunning craftsmanship and innovative RP planar technology, the TH1000RP is a powerful, balanced performer suitable for various music genres. The Burson Soloist Voyager amplifier is highly recommended for pairing with TH1000RP, ensuring exceptional dynamic range, rich tonality, and precise control.

Key Quotes:

•“TH1000RP’s tuning is balanced, rich, and natural.”

•“Paired with the Burson Soloist Voyager, the dynamic expression was impeccable.”

For the full review, visit Ear Matters.


#FostexTH1000RP #BursonSoloistVoyager #HiFi #Headphones #Audiophile #Planarheadphone


在这篇评测中,张蛋蛋详细分享了全新发布的FOSTEX TH1000RP耳机的首发体验。TH1000RP以其惊艳的工艺和创新的RP平板技术,为各类音乐带来平衡自然的出色表现。搭配Burson Soloist Voyager耳放,可以展现出极佳的动态范围、丰富的音色和精准的控制力。



•“搭配Burson Soloist Voyager时,动态表现非常出色。”

完整评测请访问耳边事。China Distributor Endgame


#FostexTH1000RP #BursonSoloistVoyager #HiFi #耳机 #发烧友 #平板技术