After transitioning from the full V6 Vivids, I decided to upgrade to the 4 V7 Vivids paired with 2 V7 Classics, positioning the Classics in the input stage. After putting in around 30-40 hours of burn-in time, I can confidently say that this upgrade was absolutely worth it. The overall sound is significantly more refined, with a smoother presentation that enhances the listening experience.
One of the most noticeable improvements is the disappearance of the “V-shaped” sound signature that my Soloist had before. The sound is now more balanced, with a natural, cohesive quality that doesn’t feel overly emphasized in any particular range. My HE1000SE headphones, which used to sound a bit harsh or sibilant with certain recordings, have lost that sharp edge. The overall tonal balance is much more pleasing, and I can now enjoy a wider range of music without discomfort.
The next step in my upgrade journey will be the Silent Power Modules 2, which I’m excited to explore further.