After installing the OPAMP V7, I experienced the sound performance in a whole new light. The soundstage is noticeably wider, which enhances the overall listening experience. I did notice a slight increase in low-frequency depth, though it wasn’t as pronounced as I had anticipated.

Human voices in the music feel much closer and more intimate, which adds a nice touch. However, when tracks feature excessive low-frequency content, some noise and graininess can creep in, making those moments less enjoyable. Additionally, if you’re listening to compressed music files like AAC or MP3, you might pick up on some unpleasant frequency artifacts.

I’ve noticed that after about 50 hours of run-in time, the noise and graininess in the low frequencies have started to diminish, leading to a clearer and more detailed sound overall. I’m currently continuing the run-in process toward 100 hours, without actively listening during this time. I’m excited to see how it all develops and look forward to enjoying the full potential of the sound once I reach that milestone!